As Promised
As some of you know, I do some video reviews for an amazing company Phot-R. They are a realy great UK basted company that does a tone of photography gear and I have already done a few videos for them but this is the latest and i think the best video I have done so far. So here it is
Something else that came from this video is that im starting to learn about Affiliate link through Amazon so if you are interested then please use the links in the video description and ill get a little kick back from them. This is a totally new thing to me so with some luck i might be able to have this as another income and that means more work, more videos and a lot more fun from my side.
Funny fact about this video is I had to do some pick up shots as i missed a fetcher so i had to pull out all of my gear for what worked out to be about 2 seconds of filming.