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A night at the Radio!

So as some people might know I have been shooting for the amazing guys at MusiqueLDN for a few years now. In fact I've been the official photographer since the inception

Just check in my Bio -

While I have been with them I have shot all over london, many different clubs and events and my almost life long friendship with the CEO of the company has lead me to some amazing places, I would not have done half the things in my photography life if this one person didn't have the faith in me at the beginning So thank you so much for being there for me, We will always be family!

Anyways... ill stop being soppy and get to my point and the point of the blog. MusiqueLDN do many events including a monthly radio show at DajevuFM in East london and they asked me to film a little of the show in which i have been putting together over the last week and as it was just delivered i wanted to share it with my viewers.

Now video is something that I have been playing with for a while and i feel like I'm starting to get the hang of it. This was in-fact the first time that I did something that was a live event that was synced with the audio. Normally I shoot something and then play a track over the top of it but this time I wanted it to seem like something you would watch on the telly... Nothing to arty or full of effects but something nice and simple... It was tricky and this style is a lot harder than it looks but with the knowledge that i have I feel like I have achieved my goal on this. I dont have a video gallery on this site as of yet but I will try to add some of them to this blog as I go along. Thanks for reading and please feel free to subscribe and comment below Peace!

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